
Showing posts from September, 2021

Day 56

  When life resembles an arduous obstacle course, here's hoping Lord Ganesha blesses us all with auspicious new beginnings. Start here

Day 55

 Half full or half empty, there's always room for hope. Let's raise a toast to hope together

Day 54

  In 1985, Jim Carrey wrote out a cheque to himself for USD 10 million. 10 years later, he was signed on for ‘Dumb & Dumber’ for USD 10 million! (True story - google it) Moral of the story: 1. It pays to put things down on paper. 2. It pays to hope !

Day 53

  Where there's hope, there's a way up .

Day 52

  Sometimes, hopes rise when the temperature falls! To talk about the weather, or to talk shop, click here

Day 51

  Stay safe. 🙏

Day 50

  An image has power.  It can destroy our illusions, shatter our beliefs and sometimes, give us hope. To find out more, click !

Day 49

  Even in the darkest of times, you can always find hope - Jerin We agree.

Day 48

Here's to a country that just does not stop hoping and keeps moving on! Happy 75th, India! From all of us at DaikoFHO

Day 47

  Hope - it's whatever you make of it Hello (That's a call to action ☝)

Day 46

  Hope you find what you seek. Here.

Day 45

  Our hockey team is inspiring. So are all the other medal winners. And those who came close. Even those who came last. Effort is everything. Bash on !

Day 44

  Sushi gives us hope.

Day 43

  'But, we did an ant post yesterday!' 'Don't worry - it's social media. It has the memory of a jellyfish, not an eleph-ant' 'So I shouldn't be indign-ant?' 'You should stop this r-ant!' 'This inst-ant?' @#$%^ Sigh - that's just who we are

Day 42

  An ant gives us hope  - it can carry 50 times it’s body weight.  However heavy the workload, we always hope for better days... You could say when it comes to hope, we are adam-ant.

Day 41

  According to the All India Tiger Estimation Report 2018, India has emerged as one of the biggest and safest habitats for tigers in the world. The tiger population in the country has grown from 1,411 in 2006 to 2,967 in 2019 - if that is not reason to hope , what is? See more about us here

Day 40

  India's largest ever medal haul.  Who would have thought? Who could have hoped? Where there is hope, there is a way

Day 39

  Two things always on our minds: headlines and deadlines. Hope the former lands before the latter... Hope you click here

Day 38

If you are reading this, thanks for bring part of our journey of hope. Meet the people doing this here  

Day 37

  There should be a medal for hoping. And everybody should win. Hope to hear from you soon .

Day 36

  Mango season reminds us there is hope for the world. Dig in

Day 35

  Though, technically, this was not the Eid where the moon plays a significant role. We live, we learn.  

Day 34

  We know what hope is... Hope is a zombie! Meet some never-say-die people here

Day 33

  Well...this just hap-pun-ed. But we can do better - try us !

Day 32

  Now, more than ever, home is where the heart is. We heart home, people who stay at home and of course, those who click for more

Day 31

  The hope of every advertising professional ever. Meet us here

Day 30

Doctors, nurses and superheroes wear masks. So do smart people like you.  Curious? Know more here

Day 29

 Hope - wander for a while and you'll find it - Sarthak (Or you could just click here )

Day 28

 The end of the pandemic is in our hands. We just have to sanitize them. (It's perfectly safe to visit us here )

Day 27

  Hope is the best pick-me-up. (And it never gets your spelling wrong!) Drop in for a cuppa here

Day 26

  Hope is...venturing out on the streets again. So is carelessness. Keep calm and click here

Day 25

  We believe vaccination will create a stronger nation. Don't you?

Day 24

  World Social Media Day called for not one, but three different messages. Third one is here .

Day 23

  Hope gives us heart. And vice versa.

Day 22

 Contrary to popular belief, washing our hands off it is a solution!

Day 21

 May the rest of your day be filled with good fortune, and may the angel of good fortune compel you to click here .

Day 20

 Some are drawn to the dark side, but we prefer to Luke on the bright side

Day 19

 Hope is oxygen for the soul.

Day 18

We hope the third shuts down before it starts...

Day 17

 You can find hope in the most unexpected places . Isn't that a-maze-ing?

Day 16

 Finding hope is a walk in the (car) park (That's our belief )

Day 15

 Now more than ever, hope is at the tip of a needle. (Feel like some site-seeing ?)

Day 14

 Hope makes you starry-eyed. And it makes you see things .

Day 13

 Hope is the thing with feathers (Emily Dickinson) ... ... and wings, and an engine ( Daiko FHO )

Day 12

  We are open

Day 11

  Hope always punches above its weight.  (Let's aim for a knockout )

Day 10

 We can't weight for lockdown to get over... (So we can get back to this )

Day 9

  All our wants, wishes and dreams are bound by one strong string of hope... ( Pull )

Day 8

  Eat when hungry. Sleep when tired. And always hope for another treat. Dogs are the Zen monks of hope. (More treats here )

Day 7

  Well, Rakshit is now a Senior Copywriter. At another agency, though. Proof that it pays to hope. :-) (Though we're sure he misses this )

Day 6

  There is a light that never goes out. It's called hope. (It's burning bright here )

Day 5

  Hope your weekends never end. (Hope is here )

Day 4

  It's not over till it's over. Take care. Stay safe. (Who's doing all this? These people )

Day 3

  What do you sink about that? :-) (More about us here )

Day 2

  'Hope to hug my friends and loved ones without any hesitation. A hug is more than a physical embrace. A hug is intended to offer safety, security, happiness, love and so much more. A hug is something that helps you demonstrate what you feel when you can't say what you feel. I definitely want them to come back!' - Manali See more about us here